In the 21st century, there are lots of trends happening in which some of the plant lovers are in search of collecting the most expensive plants in the world.
Though it may sound weird, it is not; there are thousands of people who are urging to own the most expensive plants, and, in that craze, they are spending millions of money.
There are various discussions for the list of most expensive plants, but many people either do not know the actual plants that are the most expensive ones is, or they may disagree with the fact that expensive plants like this plant cannot be this much expensive, etc.
But some people just make a list and start collecting the most expensive plants; some millionaires are nature lovers who collect these kinds of plants.
Here is the list of the 10 most expensive plants that can be legally collected. They are:
1. Variegated Philodendron Minima
Variegated Philodendron minima are one of the rarest plants; this plant only consists of 4 leaves that grow very slowly. Variegated plants grow really slow as compared to non-variegated plants. This variegated philodendron minima generally consists of 4 green leaves, and in special circumstances, they got yellow and green.
They are found in New Zealand and the surrounding region. They are one of the most expensive plants costing more than 8000$. There are very few known pieces present in the world right now.
2. Juliet Rose
The Juliet Rose is said to be the most expensive rose in the world. The Juliet Rose is tough to grow as it blooms naturally. Sometimes it blooms once in a season. They are different from other roses as it is very delicate in structure also, so it needs prudent surrounding to grow and even keep it alive.
There is still no specific region to be claimed where The Juliet Rose grows. The Juliet Rose is more expensive than a mansion, and the average price of The Juliet Rose is approx. or more than 5 million $, which makes it one of the most expensive plants.
3. Half Moon Philodendron Pink Princess
Half Moon Philodendron Pink Princess is a beautiful pink plant that is a bit rare and very expensive because no one firmly guarantees the plant to be variegated pink. The plant is sometimes variegated pink and many times green. Even if the parent plant is pink, the offspring plant can be green as well.
This beautiful plant is one of the most expensive plants globally and is called a native to Columbia. This plant costs around 1300$ though they only have 4 leaves, collectors and dabblers do buy them.
4. Old Pine Bonsai Tree
The old Pine bonsai tree is one of the oldest and rare miniature trees found naturally in one of the toughest climates like high Cliffs of the mountains or in the cave where humans can’t reach. though this tree is a sign of natural essence and art.
They need to be handled with so much care that is why they are harder to keep. They are costly plants, and some of the old Pine bonsai trees are sold at a price of more than a million-dollar.
5. Monstera Obliqua
Monstera obliqua is one of the fanciest plants and rather more expensive. They were first found in North America and South America, and later more developed species of them were found in Peru. The specialty of this plant is their leaves, having some different shapes of holes in them. Some people think that these holes are due to the insect, but this is not true.
The variegated version of Monster oblique is one of the most expensive plants in the world. as the variegated version costs more than 3000 dollars, some species reach the mark of $7000 per plant.
6. Gold of Kinabalu Orchid
The Gold of Kinabalu Orchid is one of the rarest flower plants which grows only in Malaysia. Generally, people collect this plant given its very different appearance of flower with horizontal leaves and petals.
The single flower of this species can have up to 6 petals that stand the plant vertical and some leaves that stand horizontal. This is one of the most expensive plants globally, which cost around more than $6000 per piece, but many collectors are induced to buy the Gold of Kinabalu Orchid due to its variable and unique features.
7. Shenzhen Nongke Orchid
Shenzhen Nongke Orchid Is another orchid on the list, a scarce and expensive plant. but unlike other plants, this cannot be grown naturally and is grown artificially in the laboratory by the Shenzhen dongle group in 2005, some agriculture researchers.
It is said to be one of the most expensive plants to be prepared in a laboratory which was sold for around 20000$ in an auction back in 2005. After which, some more plants were prepared and sold around this price.
8. Tulip Bulb
Tulips are one of the most planted and cultivated flowers in the plantation industries. Having so many different species of tulip bulb is the most expensive out of all species. The planting of tulip bulbs is done seasonally and in a particular part of the world.
[amazon box=”B091V2SPVK”]Though it is not rare plants or flowers, it is also costly compared to other flowers. It costs more than 10$ for a single piece.
9. Saffron Crocus
Saffron is one of the most expensive spices in the world; it is very often that it is flower will also be costly. The saffron crocus is one of the best quality species in all the species of saffron. The plantation and cultivation of the saffron crocus are very handy and cannot be easily done by normal planters.
[amazon box=”B07TF55PVM”]It needs a high degree of care with knowledge and has a very delicate process. The saffron crocus costs more than 1000$ for a single plant and is one of the most expensive plants.
10. Kadupul Flower
Kadupul Flower is one of the rarest flowers in the world as it blooms once a year and that too in the night. The species and the family of this plant cannot be yet claimed, but it is near the cactus family.
The discovery of this plant is still not revealed or claimed by any individual, but it is one of the world’s most expensive plants and flowers. It takes several years for the plant and flower to bloom.
The cost per piece of kadupul flower is estimated at more than 6000$ making it one of the most expensive flowers in the world.