Pest Control



Pests can wreak havoc on your home if you don’t take the right steps to keep them away. With hot Dubai summer approaching, insects and rodents are more active than ever, which means that there are several simple ways you can protect your home from pest problems.

If you follow these simple tips, you’ll be able to keep bugs and rodents at bay without the need for a pest company in Dubai.

1) Use Natural Pest Repellents

Although products like Raid and boric acid might offer quick relief, these repellents are filled with toxic chemicals that can be harmful to you, your children, and your pets. Instead of using synthetic chemicals, use natural repellents to ward off pests while you decide the color for the chicken coop.

Peppermint oil is a natural pest control and an excellent repellent that smells pleasant, but bugs hate it! Mix a few drops of peppermint oil and some water into a spray bottle, then mist your plants. You can also make a DIY organic insecticide by mixing equal parts of eucalyptus essential oil, peppermint essential oil, cinnamon essential oil, and water into a spray bottle. Shake it up before use.

2) Freeze Fruit Fly Juice

Fruit flies are naturally attracted to sugary liquids, and that’s bad news for any food or drink around your home. Freeze some fruit juice (orange or apple is best) into ice cubes and place them in small plastic cups. Whenever you notice any unsealed food, pop an ice cube into it and make sure you keep a lid on until you can dispose of it properly. This will help prevent an infestation before it starts!

3) Use Yellow Sticky Traps

A simple yet effective form of pest control, yellow sticky traps are nothing more than cardboard sheets coated with a sticky substance that pests find irresistible. During your last visit to Ikea, grab one or two of these and hang them near likely entry points; you’ll be surprised how quickly they fill up with little guys.

You can make your yellow sticky traps by coating used cardboard with Borax-based detergent and hanging it near an entry point. Change it every few days.

4) Clean with Vinegar

Fill a spray bottle with 1/4 cup vinegar and 3/4 warm water. Spray on countertops, sinks, and other hard surfaces throughout your home; bugs don’t like vinegar’s smell. Leave it overnight for hard-to-reach areas. You can also use vinegar to make a homemade bug repellent: Mix equal parts water and apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle. Use liberally on exposed skin like any other bug repellent (don’t worry—it won’t sting or burn).

Apple cider vinegar is ideal for pest control because of its pleasant scent. Also, try adding about 5 drops of peppermint essential oil per ounce of water for an extra boost of protection. Be sure to test it first on your skin before spraying it all over!

5) Use Essential Oils as Spray

Spray lavender and rosemary essential oils around your home. For a sweet smell, try peppermint essential oil, vanilla extract, or strawberry spray. The insects are instantly repulsed by these smells and keep away from your home.

However, if you have pets, it is important that you don’t use peppermint essential oil as it can be harmful. You could also make your insect repellent by adding 15 drops of eucalyptus essential oil, 15 drops of citronella oil, and 10 drops of lemongrass essential oil into half a cup of water before spraying on plants outside your home. It keeps bugs away and gives a beautiful fragrance to your plants.

6) Seal Gaps

Even if you’re diligent about keeping your house clean, the pest can still find a way into your home and make themselves at home. Seal up any gaps or holes around doors and windows with caulk or weather stripping; bugs won’t be able to get in, and you won’t hear them buzzing outside once they do.

Check out areas where pipes come into your home and see if there are any cracks or holes—this is an easy entry point for bugs too.

7) Close Off Entry Points

You can keep pests out of your home by sealing any open entry points around windows, doors, and other areas. Once pests are inside your home, it’s difficult—if not impossible—to get them out.

Even if you don’t have an infestation problem yet, it’s good to make sure that none is coming. Seal off cracks where rodents or insects might enter using caulk or spray foam; both are easy to apply and effective for years.


The key is to ensure that your home isn’t an easy target for bugs and insects, as they often seek out homes where they know they can find food, water, and shelter.

If you take steps to safeguard your home against pests (both inside and outside), you’ll enjoy a pest-free abode for years.
If you still find pests in your home after taking these steps, get in touch with our Pest Control Dubai team for a permanent solution.

Sandy Jensen
Sandy Jensen, a celebrated writer in the home and garden niche, boasts over 12 years of hands-on experience. Her educational background includes a Bachelor’s in Landscape Architecture from Cornell University. Before joining our team in 2016, she worked as a landscape designer, combining her love for nature and design. Sandy's expertise shines through her articles, offering readers practical and aesthetically pleasing gardening tips. Off the clock, she enjoys hiking and nature photography, further nurturing her connection with the outdoors.

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