
Is Gravel Enough for Terrarium Plants

Is Gravel Enough for Terrarium Plants

Are you considering enhancing your terrarium with additional aquarium gravel?

Before proceeding, it’s important to understand the compatibility of terrarium plants with gravel.

Learn more about choosing the right gravel for your terrarium plants.

Determining which plants are suitable for a terrarium and whether the gravel you choose is safe is crucial.

Considerations such as the size of the terrarium plants—small or large—play a significant role.

Ensure you have all the relevant information on whether gravel alone is sufficient for terrarium plants.

Adding gravel can significantly beautify your space with terrarium plants.

Is Gravel Enough or Not?

Is Gravel Enough or Not?

There are a few things that you need to check for terrarium plants.

If you want to add gravel, check some essential factors before putting it in the container.

First of all, many gravel contains chemicals that may harm plants.

Second, before you put it in your terrarium, you should wash the gravel.

This will aid in cleaning the gravel of any dirt or other particles that may have settled on it.

On the third point, it is essential to check the size of the gravel.

It is necessary to have the correct gravel size so that it doesn’t sink or challenge the roots of the plants to grow correctly.

You need to check the weight of the gravel, too.

Benefits of Using Gravel

The use of terrarium gravel has several advantages, including the cultivation of bacteria and the prevention of soil drying up; both contribute to the development of stronger roots and more robust leaves.

Humidity is created in the terrarium as water collects in the gravel and evaporates, aiding plant growth.

Gravel adds visual appeal and serves as a last embellishment for your terrarium. It also adds a drainage layer to the terrarium.

How to Maintain Gravel for Terrarium Plants?

Terrarium plants must be kept in good condition with adequate gravel. Different points must be considered for terrarium plants.

  • First, it is essential to use a safe container for the terrarium plants. Then, it is necessary to wash the gravel and get it wet. Avoid using water for purposes other than cleaning, as this can promote the growth of bacteria.
  • It is also advisable to use lukewarm water for the gavels.
  • The addition of water depends on the type of terrarium plants. Excess water may be needed to achieve adequate results.
  • Use proper air ventilation to allow the oxygenation of the terrarium.
  • Make a proper schedule for the regular maintenance of the terrarium plants.

Issues Faced with Gravel

Gravel is used to decorate the terrarium plants. But there are some issues faced with gravel.

Too much gravel can weigh down the terrarium, which has different containers. This might not fit in the terrarium plants.

Also, too much water can lead to anaerobic bacteria. Proper drainage levels must be present in terrarium plants.

It is essential to have regular maintenance of the terrarium plants with gravel present in it.


From the above blog, you can quickly know whether gravel is enough.

There are different kinds of gravel available in the store.

But you need to check every kind of it with its benefits and characteristics.

You can easily customize the terrarium plants by choosing the perfect gravel.

So, have you selected gravel for your terrarium plants? Which one did you like the most?

You can get advice from your friends who have terrarium plants in their homes.

There are many workshops conducted for gravel used in terrarium plants.

Fill in the complete information before applying the practical aspects to your plants.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Gravel Should I Put in My Terrarium Plants?

You should line the bottom of your container with two inches of coarse gravel, sea glass, or beach stones.

Next, using a large spoon, spread an inch or so of activated charcoal over the gravel to stop mold and mildew from taking hold when the stones get wet.

What Is the Significance of Gravel in a Terrarium?

If you’re using a bottle for your terrarium, the pebbles at the bottom will help keep water from pooling.

This drain will keep your terrarium’s soil layer dry and healthy. If you water your plant too often, it could die.

Gravel is one of the essential layers for terrarium plants.

What Should Be the Base Layer for The Terrarium?

The lack of a drainage layer in your terrarium could lead to serious problems.

This is the lowest layer in a terrarium, and its porous nature means excess water may drain away from the soil underneath it.

Do Plants Benefit from Gravel’s Lack of Nutrients?

Upon contact with water, sedimentary rocks like river rock or pea gravel release potassium, silica, and copper minerals.

The combination of all these elements serves as a natural nutrient cocktail for plants.

Asher Pollan
Asher Pollan, with a Master’s in Botany from the University of Chicago, has been a plant enthusiast and educator for 16 years at a university. He joined our editorial team as a freelancer, sharing his knowledge of plant physiology, indoor gardening, and botanical science. His background includes roles in public gardens, as a horticultural therapist, and researcher, and taught the skills of everyday gardening to people in weekend workshops. He enjoys botanical illustration and participates in plant conservation initiatives.

What Is a Terrarium for Plants

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