
A guide to storing your car in auto storage facilities


Many vehicle owners choose to put their vehicle at a storage unit. Whatever be the reason, storing your vehicle in a storage is way better than letting it deteriorate on a parking lot of in the driveway. Besides, extra cars parked on and around the property is not a wise decision. The best auto transporter in the region claim that there are over 46 million more vehicles in the United States of America than there are drivers. This is why the auto storage business is so strong in the country.

Whatever type of vehicle you own, a car, truck, van, SUV, or collector car, you can choose an appropriate storage solution to safety store your vehicle. Besides, unlike the common notion, the cost of storage is way more affordable than many of us think. In this post, we have made a guide that will help you know why storage is a benefitting choice. Besides, we will also talk about the best way to store your car safely.

Why choosing a car storage is a wise option?

There are hundreds and thousands of car owners who choose car storage services. Here are some of the key reasons why:

For protecting the vehicle:

Many people are find of buying distinctive vehicles. If you are one of such car owners and love your pricey possession which also is rare, exotic, and luxurious, you must choose a storage unit for safety of your valuable. If you store such a vehicle in open, it will be exposed to a range of factors including elements, timely decay as well as environmental pollutants. Using a climate controlled storage unit on the other hand offer you more safety and protection against the decay.

No shortage of space:

The modern car storage facilities are spacious with several renting options available. You can either store one car in the facility or several at a time, depending upon your requirement. Moreover, if you choose to place your vehicle in a storage unit, you get free space in your garage enclosed by fence planters.

Let auto storage specialists take care of your car

Reputed auto storage companies take all types of precautions to ensure that the conditions inside the storage unit are optimal to ensure long-term preservation of the vehicles. The facilities are designed and developed in a way to ensure car-storage friendly environment. The modern storage services providers are dedicated and go to great length to keep your vehicles safe.

Enjoy extra amenities:

Car storage companies are also competitive and each one of them offer extra amenities to make the customer happy. Some of the reputed storage units offer advanced services like car detailing services, appraisals, and specialized mechanic assistance. You can also add green vibe by adding some flowering pots, diy tower garden etc.
Maintain the car’s roadworthiness:

It is important that the car is in roadworthy condition to drive on the road. It is a legal requirement that any car owner with a vehicle aged 3 years or more must procure a roadworthy certificate. When stored in climate controlled unit and looked after by expert storage service providers, the cars can be easily maintained in a roadworthy condition.

The right way to store a car:

If you choose to store your car in a storage facility, you must know the right way to do it. While storage facilities are a safe place for car storage, ill treatment or preparation of the car before storage can make or break its value.

  1. Fill up the tank to full

Keeping the gas tank full serves two purposes. First it prevents the metal surfaces of the tank from rusting as when exposed to air, rusting is common, secondly, it allows you to drive far away from the storage unit when you decide to have a long road trip on your car.

  1. Change the engine oil:

If you let the old engine oil sit in the system for extended time, the particulates and impurities it contains can damage the internal system. If you are deciding t out the car in the storage facilityfor linger period, consider replacing the oil and oil filter. This will also allow you to have a smooth ride after you pick the car to have a lovely trip.

  1. Wash and wax the exterior:

As you must be leaving your valuable asset in the storage for a long time, it is recommendedto bid it a formal goodbye. The safest way to preserve the value of your vehicle in a storage is to pamper the exteriors. You must clean the exterior and wax it up to keep the vehicle safe.

  1. Pay attention to the interior too:

You must not leave the interior unattended and before you place the vehicle in the storage, clean and dust the interior too.

  1. Do not pull the parking brake:

If you leave the parking brake engaged for an extended period of time, you may expose the system to damage. As a better option, place wooden blocks of large rocks behind the tires and prevent any rolling away accident.

If you choose to put your car in a storage facility, make sure you pick the best service provider. Check the company’s reputation before you trust them for safeguarding one of your pricey possessions. Storing your car at a safe storage facility is the right option. Make sure you choose eth best service provider and prepare your car for safe storage using the above mentioned tips.


Andrew Brown
Andrew Brown, an MBA graduate from Columbia University, New York, has been a fixture in the business world for over 20 years. His expertise in strategic management has been a cornerstone of our content since he joined in 2016. Previously, Andrew held executive roles in several Fortune 500 companies, where he led transformative business initiatives. His years of experience in corporate leadership and consulting bring a wealth of knowledge to our readers. Outside of work, he mentors young entrepreneurs and enjoys playing chess.

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1 Comment

  1. […] safely is not an easy task. Even if you are planning to store your car in a storage unit, you must prepare for the storage well in advance and efficiently. Consider all the above factors if you want to safeguard your […]

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