Home Appliances

Can I Leave Garage Heater on All the Time?

Garage Heater

Garages are multi-functional spaces that serve various purposes for homeowners. They provide shelter for vehicles, accommodate storage needs, and can even serve as workshops or hobby areas.

However, garages tend to be colder than the rest of the house, making them uncomfortable to spend time in, especially during winter. To combat this, many homeowners opt for garage heaters to provide warmth and make the space more usable.

But a common question arises – can I always leave a garage heater on?

Leaving a garage heater on continuously has its pros and cons. In this blog, we will explore both sides of the argument and help you make an informed decision based on your circumstances.

Advantages of Leaving a Garage Heater On

Garage Heater

1. Consistent and Comfortable Temperature

Leaving the garage heater on ensures that the space remains consistently warm. This is particularly useful if you frequently use your garage as a workshop or spend a considerable amount of time there.

A consistent temperature can help protect any items stored in the garage from extreme cold or humidity. It can also prevent any potential damage to vehicles or equipment due to freezing temperatures.

2. Protection for Your Belongings

Garages often contain temperature-sensitive items like car batteries, power tools, or paint. Leaving the heater on helps maintain a stable temperature, protecting these items from damage caused by extreme cold.

Additionally, a heated garage can prevent freezing and damage to plumbing fixtures or pipes that may be located in the space. It also helps reduce the risk of condensation and moisture buildup, leading to mold and mildew growth.

3. Prevents Freezing

In colder climates, keeping your garage heater on all the time can prevent pipes from freezing and potentially bursting. This helps avoid costly repairs and inconveniences.

A heated garage can also provide a comfortable working environment during the winter months, allowing you to work on projects or repairs without being affected by the cold.

Moreover, a heated garage can help extend the lifespan of your vehicles by preventing cold starts and reducing wear and tear on the engine.

4. Energy Efficiency

Some modern garage heaters are designed with energy-saving features, allowing them to operate efficiently over extended periods without excessively raising your energy bills.

If you have an energy-efficient heater, leaving it on can be a viable solution.

Additionally, an energy-efficient heater can help you save money in the long run by reducing your overall energy consumption.

Cons of Leaving a Garage Heater on

Garage Heater

1. Safety Concerns

Safety is critical to consider when leaving any electrical device unattended for long periods.

While modern garage heaters typically include safety features like overheat protection and automatic shut-off, there is still a small risk of malfunctions or accidents. Leaving a heater on continuously might increase this risk.

Leaving a garage heater on for extended periods can also pose a fire hazard if flammable materials are present nearby.

2. Energy Consumption

Depending on the type of garage heater you have, leaving it on continuously can significantly impact your energy bills.

Traditional models tend to consume more energy, leading to increased costs. This can be burdensome and unnecessary if you don’t spend enough time in the garage to warrant continuous heating.

Additionally, constantly running a garage heater can contribute to unnecessary wear and tear on the unit, potentially shortening its lifespan.

3. Environmental Impact

Heating a garage all the time contributes to a higher carbon footprint. If you are environmentally conscious, leaving a heater on continuously may not align with your values. It is important to find a balance between comfort and sustainability.

Finding alternative ways to heat your garage, such as using insulation or installing a programmable thermostat, can help reduce energy consumption and lower your carbon footprint.

4. Potential Fire Hazard

While newer models incorporate safety features, it is essential to remain cautious. Leaving any electrical device running continually carries a certain degree of risk.

Ensure that you follow the manufacturer’s instructions and maintain your heater properly to minimize the possibility of a fire hazard.

Additionally, constantly running a heater can lead to higher energy consumption and utility bills.

Final Verdict

Final Verdict

Considering the pros and cons mentioned above, assessing your needs and circumstances is crucial before deciding whether always to leave a garage heater on.

If you spend significant periods in your garage, using it as a workshop or frequently accessing stored items, leaving the heater on consistently may be a practical choice.

However, suppose you only occasionally use your garage or primarily store non-sensitive items. In that case, it may be more cost-effective and environmentally friendly to use a timer or thermostat to regulate the temperature in the space.

Remember, regular maintenance, such as cleaning the heater, inspecting it for damage, and ensuring proper ventilation, is essential regardless of whether you always leave it on or use it intermittently.

Also, if you are interested in venting a garage heater through the wall, read this article to get all the information in one place!


In conclusion, it is possible always to leave a garage heater on. Still, weighing the pros and cons, considering your specific needs, and taking precautions to ensure safety and energy efficiency is important.

Some advantages of always leaving a garage heater on include constant warmth in the space, prevention of freezing pipes or damage to stored items, and the convenience of a ready-to-use heated garage.

However, there are drawbacks, such as increased energy consumption and potential safety hazards if the heater malfunctions or is not properly maintained.

Ultimately, assessing your specific needs and prioritizing safety and energy efficiency is important when deciding whether to leave a garage heater on continuously.

Julia Child
Julia Child, a culinary expert with a profound love for kitchen gadgets, has been revolutionizing home cooking experiences for over 15 years. After graduating with a degree in Culinary Arts, she embarked on a journey to demystify complex cooking techniques. She joined our team, bringing a blend of professional kitchen expertise and approachable cooking style to our readers. Besides writing, Julia is an enthusiastic teacher, conducting community cooking workshops and sharing her knowledge on selecting and utilizing kitchen appliances.

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