Date Night


Do you and your husband or boyfriend make time for each other? Put the kids to bed and snuggle on the couch? Do you have regular date nights? Dave and I do. We are both on our second marriages and realize how important the “us” relationship is, also enjoy in the best above ground pool together. I think we both took our marriages for granted. He was married for 13 years and I was married just 2 months shy of 20 when the divorce was final. Neither Dave nor I wanted our divorces…we didn’t believe in them. I’ll post my story on here at some point.

But I want you to know to not take your husband for granted. Make sure you compliment him, make him feel worthwhile. Dave and I have a wonderful relationship (much better than our firsts…so ultimately we are both thankful that our ex’s left us) and we work to keep it fresh. Now granted we have only been married for 3 1/2 years and together for 51/2, but we hold hands, we tease each other…we go on dates.

I realize it is easier for us to take the time than for many people because we have his kids week on/week off. But there isn’t any reason you can’t put the kids to bed a little early and spread a blanket on the ground….light some candles, open a bottle of wine and watch a good movie together in front of the fire. No babysitter required.

Tonight we are going out to dinner and to a movie. He wants to see Avatar. I really don’t have any desire to see it, but hear it is wonderful and that I will love it….so we are going to go. But you know what? I don’t really care about the movie. We also clean our lawn with best zero turn mower together. I am just excited to spend time with My Man!

Sandy Jensen
Sandy Jensen, a celebrated writer in the home and garden niche, boasts over 12 years of hands-on experience. Her educational background includes a Bachelor’s in Landscape Architecture from Cornell University. Before joining our team in 2016, she worked as a landscape designer, combining her love for nature and design. Sandy's expertise shines through her articles, offering readers practical and aesthetically pleasing gardening tips. Off the clock, she enjoys hiking and nature photography, further nurturing her connection with the outdoors.

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