
DIY Chainsaw Troubleshoot: How to Fix your Chainsaw Problems?

DIY Chainsaw Troubleshoot: How to Fix your Chainsaw Problems?

Nowadays, many cutting jobs require chainsaws. It is essential to maintain them in the best condition so that they can work quickly and safely. Power tools such as chainsaws are handy, but even the best brand chainsaws can have some problems.

These problems usually depend upon the brand, age, maintenance, and other chainsaw factors. These problems should be solved quickly. Else they can cause a considerable concern ahead.

Many chainsaw problems can be solved without any professional help. So, you do not need to rush to a professional or any service center. This article is all about chainsaw troubleshoot!

A suggestion would be that majority of these chainsaw problems can be solved just by choosing the right brand of the chainsaw and doing proper maintenance.

Yet, if you face any chainsaw problems here, we are with chainsaw troubleshoot and solutions for them. Solutions are simple and can be done by an individual without any professional help.

Here we are mentioning problems of both gas and electric chainsaws. If even after chainsaw troubleshoots, the problem persists, then do visit your nearest service center. But before that, do try these simple DIY solutions.

Gas Chainsaw Troubleshoot: Problems Related to Starting the Chainsaw

Gas Chainsaw Troubleshoot

If you compare this generation’s chainsaw with earlier ones, you will recognize how easy it has become to start a chainsaw. Gas chainsaws can have some starting problems, which makes starting either difficult or near to impossible.

Stale or Old Fuel

This is by far the most significant cause of all the starting issues. Firstly, avoid inexpensive and low-quality fuels. Do not use gasoline with more than 10% ethanol. If you use such gasoline as fuel, it can cause permanent damage to your chainsaw. Try to avoid an ethanol blend of gasoline and consider 10% ethanol as the maximum limit. Methanol blend is a No-No.

For better results, use fuel stabilizers. The addition of even a few drops keeps your fuel fresh for around a year. Without any fuel stabilizer, ethanol blend gasoline becomes stale by a month as ethanol absorbs high moisture concentration.

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Old fuel’s concern can be solved by just emptying it and replenishing it with good quality fuel. Ensure that you properly recycle the old fuel.

Pro Tip: Always store fuel in empty and clean vessels to avoid any contamination. 

Clogged Carburettor

Carburetors get clogged when fuel is stored for an extended period. Some components of fuels may get degraded or evaporated in this time duration. This may result in the formation of sticky, dense, or thick components. They can clog the carburetor and thus cause a starting problem.

The solution to this problem is to clean the carburetor with a carburetor cleaner. Removing a carburetor can be a bit difficult. It also takes a lot of effort and time in the process. Do not try to do it forcefully. If you are not capable of doing it, then take professional help or watch some tutorial videos.

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Instead of cleaning, you can replace the carburetor as they are relatively inexpensive. The carburetor can also slow down the chainsaw, so ensure using the best one.

Faulty Spark Plug

A good and working spark plug gives a spark at the right time. Inspect the spark plug for any signs of damage or wear and tear. You will have to replace the spark plug if either electrode is burnt or damaged or if an insulator is cracked. Replacement of spark plug is a must if there is carbon build-up at the electrode.

You can also make use of a spark plug tester to check whether the spark plug is defective or not. If there is no or little spark, then the spark plug is defective and must be replaced by the individual.

Damaged Power Sprocket

If you observe that the power sprocket is damaged, you will have to replace it. Just check the sprocket teeth for any damage or wear and tear. If you find any, then replace the power sprocket.

Exhaust System

The exhaust system’s residue can cause clogging in the spark screen, muffler, or exhaust port. You can easily clean the muffler and spark screen with cleaning liquid and a wipe or brush. The cleaning of the exhaust port can be a bit difficult. You will have to top stroke the piston and then clean the exhaust port.


The chainsaw has two filters, namely air, and fuel filters. Both these filters must be cleaned frequently. Usually, soap and water do the trick for plastic filters, but you will have to use specific cleaning liquids for metal filters.

Damaged Starter Rope

Stater rope usually breaks down with the continuous use of chainsaws. You will have to replace the starter rope.

Wrong Fuel Oil Ratio

Chainsaw engines require a mixture of oil and fuel. The exact ratio of the mixture is specified by the chainsaw manual provided and recommended by the brand. Drain the tank and fill the correct ratio of oil and fuel.

Climate and Weather

The chainsaw engine must be warm to get started. High humidity and cold temperatures can hamper this requirement. The best hack to avoid this is to close the choke and then fire the engine.

Electric Chainsaw Troubleshoot: Problems Related to Starting the Chainsaw

Electric Chainsaw Troubleshoot

Electric chainsaws are well-known for their easier operations, be it the corded chainsaws, cordless ones, or even the battery chainsaws. Let us investigate these electric chainsaws troubleshoot:

The common problem for all the electric chainsaws could be that the safety button is pressed simultaneously with the trigger.

For the battery or cordless chainsaws, check whether the batteries are working correctly or not. Replace the batteries if they are not working correctly.

For Corded Chainsaws

Look for any damaged or burnt electrical cord and replace it with a new one. Another problem could be that the electrical breaker may have tripped. Fix this issue, and the corded chainsaw can be started very quickly.

It is essential to use the proper size and quality of the electrical cord. Safety and performance are the two factors that are influenced by it. The cord and gauge should be of the optimum size for proper functioning. The manufacturer recommends the optimum size of the cord and gauge.

Some Other Common Chainsaw Problems and Chainsaw Troubleshooting:

Even after starting the chainsaw or if there are no chainsaw starting problems, there can be other chainsaw problems that require some troubleshooting:

Chain is Struck

The chain brake may have to get stuck. Reset the chain brake by pushing the side cover inwards and the chain brake to the forward side. Hold the top handle simultaneously. If the brake is reset successfully, then you will hear the sound of a click.

Loose Chain

If the chain is hanging loose, then adjust the tension. Usually, the tension of the chain should be adjusted after every 20-30 minutes of usage. Before you do that, ensure that the saw has been kept idle for 5-10 minutes to cool it down.

There will be two bar nuts on the sides of the saw. Loosen them. Now you will find the tensioning screw. Use a screwdriver to fix it. In a few chainsaw models, the tensioning screw is found in different locations. Find according to your model.

Once you have tightened the bar nuts, you will get the confirmation that the chain has been adjusted after you hear a snap. Just lift the bar groove, and you will hear the snap if the groove has the drivers back in their position. Even if the chain is loose, then checking the sprocket for any damage or wear and tear.

Slow Cutting

This problem is quite irritating and often accompanied by more sawdust. There are only two alternatives to this problem. You must either sharpen/file the chain or replace it.

Curved Cutting

Another irritating problem of a chainsaw. Curved cutting can hamper the work which you are working on and is unintended. The main issue could be improper sharpening/filing. You can again properly sharpen the chain or take professional help. If still, the problem persists, then replace the chain.

Chainsaw’s Gas Engine is Making Noise

If poor performance is accompanied by engine sound, then thoroughly clean your air filter, spark plug, and check for any faults. Usually, the noise is due to improper cleaning.

What if Chainsaw Troubleshoot Does Not Work?

 If the chainsaw troubleshoot does not work, then visit the nearest service center or take professional assistance. But before you do that, ensure that you have given your 100% to fix the problem.

As most of the time, to solve chainsaw problems, chainsaw troubleshoot is quite useful.

Madison Hall
With a background in Engineering from Stanford University, Madison Hall brings a unique perspective to the DIY world. With 15 years of experience in both engineering and DIY projects, she started contributing to our website in 2022. Her approach combines technical knowledge with experience, making her articles informative and accessible. Before joining us, Madison worked in a leading engineering firm focusing on sustainable building practices. She enjoys woodworking and exploring the latest tech gadgets in her leisure time.

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