DIY: How to Make a Stress Ball with a Water Balloon

How to Make a Stress Ball with a Water Balloon

Stress balls are great for people who suffer from chronic stress. They can relieve tension and anxiety, soothe sore muscles, and help with sleep problems.

However, they can also be expensive if you buy them at the store. A DIY stress ball is a way to save money while still getting all the benefits that come with these types of toys!

This article will teach you how to make your own water balloon-based stress ball in six easy steps.

What Is a Stress Ball?

A stress ball is a solid, rubber or cloth object that you can squeeze in your hands to relieve tension. You might use the ball while watching TV to keep from getting restless or before going into an important meeting so that you don’t get too nervous and sweaty. It’s good for people who hold a lot of stress in their bodies.

What Do Stress Balls Do?

A stress ball can help you physically release the endorphins that build up when you’re feeling stressed, or it might just give your hands something to do.

Sometimes people squeeze a stress ball if they don’t want to punch someone else in anger; this is also why some athletes use them before competing for added focus and competition.

Why Do People Use Stress Balls?

People often use them to manage their anxiety, anger or as a means of self-soothing. They also help you focus and relieve boredom if you’re doing something tedious that requires little exertion like driving long distances.

What Are the Benefits?

Some people say that stress balls also help you regain focus. They’re a good way to release some pent-up energy and frustration when life throws challenge your way. You can use them during the day for quick bursts of relief or as a long-term coping mechanism.

How Do I Make One?

Making one is simple. You’ll need the following

  • One water balloon.
  • A container with a tight lid that will fit over top of it.
  • Something to cut or poke a hole in the ball, preferably something pointed and sharp like an ice pick.

Steps To Make a Water Balloon-Based Stress Ball

  • Step One: Fill the water balloons with air and tie off.
  • Step Two: Get some foam or cloth that you would like your stress ball to have.
  • Step Three: Put the material over top of the filled balloon and pull it over the top of the balloon.
  • Step Four: Poke a hole in the middle, on one side only; this is where you will fill with air to make your stress ball workable. The size of your container should dictate how large or small a hole you need to cut out for filling and releasing air from inside.
  • Step Five: Take the top off your container and place over top of ball. Fill with air, making sure to fill from the hole in the side not covered by foam or cloth.
  • Step Six: Remove lid after filling is complete and tie around all four sides tightly – this will keep it secure while you’re using it.

Safety Precautions to Keep in Mind While Making Your Own Stress Ball

  • Be careful to not burst the balloon while filling it with air.
  • Make sure you don’t overfill your ball and that there’s enough room for expansion as the water inside boils – this can cause injury or burst, so take care when making holes in the container.
  • You should never use a balloon that has been punctured with anything other than something pointed and sharp, like an ice pick.

Why Not Buy One?

The best place to find stress balls is at your local toy store or even online if you can’t make it out of the house right now. You’ll have better luck finding the size and shape that you’re looking for if you buy one.

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The stress ball is the perfect way to get a quick and easy fix for your tension and enjoy water balloon drop games.

It’s also an inexpensive solution that you can make on your own! We hope this article helped you see just how fun, simple, and effective it can be to create DIY solutions when it comes to tackling everyday problems like chronic anxiety or workplace tensions.

Let us know what other projects we should share with our readers in the comments below!

Madison Hall
With a background in Engineering from Stanford University, Madison Hall brings a unique perspective to the DIY world. With 15 years of experience in both engineering and DIY projects, she started contributing to our website in 2022. Her approach combines technical knowledge with experience, making her articles informative and accessible. Before joining us, Madison worked in a leading engineering firm focusing on sustainable building practices. She enjoys woodworking and exploring the latest tech gadgets in her leisure time.

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