
For 2023, Five Home and Garden Styles to Look Out For Include Tropical and Mini Meadow Styles

cipo sweet orange HomeGardenandHomestead

Our editors have predicted that the trend of home and garden improvements that was sparked by the coronavirus pandemic will continue into 2023.

Aktug Dogan, content Editor and co-founder of Refermate states that many Americans are constructing home sanctuaries and extravagant backyard gardens for their own personal retreats. He also predicts that the top 5 home and garden trends for 2023 will inspire homeowners and renters to spend extra time at home.

Trend #1: A Jungle of Tropical Houseplants

It looks as though the trend of having houseplants will remain popular in the year 2023, with many households adorning their homes with tropical and unusual plants. While the classic pothos and peace lily are still popular choices, more daring gardeners are choosing to take up more exotic varieties.

Business has been booming for Logee’s Tropical Plants, both in Connecticut and on their website. Customers have been purchasing a variety of fruits, uncommon, and exotic plants that can be kept in pots.

One example is the Sweet Orange ‘Cipo’ tree, with its drooping growth pattern ideal for hanging baskets. Others include indoor lemon trees, flowering ginger plants, and jasmine plants that present wonderfully aromatic flowers.

An image of the Oishii Koyo Berry can be seen here

Trend #2: Smaller Meadows Gaining Popularity

The trend of small lawns and the decline of ornamental flowers has led to an increase in the popularity of meadows. Wildflowers, which are simple to cultivate from seed, offer stunning beauty and many benefits to local pollinators.

Mike Lizotte, the writer of Mini Meadows, affirms that anyone can cultivate a mini meadow if they have a sunny area with a few square feet of garden space. To do so, it is suggested to read the instructions for planting a mini meadow garden and get quality seeds.

Trend #3: An Environment Free of Synthetic Compounds and Filled with Nature

Millennial homeowners have taken to the organic standard, based on a chemical-free atmosphere in their living spaces and gardens. Indoor items such as cleaning products have been replaced with all-natural and home-made varieties, the same being true for pest control within the home and outside.

To illustrate, BTI, a natural bacterium, is being deployed as a substitute for chemicals to eliminate fungus gnats in potted plants. Products like Mosquito Bits which use BTI are convenient to use and contain no chemicals.

In vegetable plots, the use of chemical-based fertilizers is being replaced by compost produced at home. Furthermore, chemical-free products like Mosquito Dunks and Summit Year-Round Oil (an organic horticultural oil) can be used to get rid of mosquitoes, aphids, spider mites, white fly and other common plant pests.

Trend #4: Cordless Electric Tools that are Clean and Environmentally Friendly

People are now embracing the modern home lifestyle that embraces the most current technology and the use of battery-powered tools. The sale of highly efficient, cordless electric vacuum cleaners have skyrocketed.

Additionally, gasoline-powered tools that release toxic fumes are being replaced by battery-powered lawn mowers and cordless electric chain saws.

Dogan states that electric cars are gaining attention, but the shift to employing battery-powered gardening instruments has already happened in residential areas. He claims that once you try out a cordless electric lawn mower or string trimmer, you will not want to return to the use of gasoline-powered tools.

Trend #5: Suburban Areas Characterized by Homestead Values

The concept of homesteading is made evident by the Millennial generation’s acceptance of having chickens in the backyard. This involves constructing a chicken coop and keeping a small number of chickens that produce eggs.

Dogan points out that suburban families may not be able to reach complete self-sufficiency, yet they still strive to do their best by growing vegetable gardens and raising chickens. The idea of homesteading in the suburbs is still a reality and the “chicken ladies” have replaced the “cat ladies” as the popular choice.

Sandy Jensen
Sandy Jensen, a celebrated writer in the home and garden niche, boasts over 12 years of hands-on experience. Her educational background includes a Bachelor’s in Landscape Architecture from Cornell University. Before joining our team in 2016, she worked as a landscape designer, combining her love for nature and design. Sandy's expertise shines through her articles, offering readers practical and aesthetically pleasing gardening tips. Off the clock, she enjoys hiking and nature photography, further nurturing her connection with the outdoors.

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