
Bromeliad Guide: How to Care for Bromeliad House Plants

Bromeliad Guide: How to Care for Bromeliad House Plants

How to care for Bromeliads? Firstly, let us have a look, what Bromeliads are, and the nature of these plants.

Bromeliad plants are a beautiful add on to increase the decoration and attraction of your house indoors. They are unique plants that need a Specific temperature range.

If you live in a Tropical area where the temperature will not fall below the freezing point, it is easy to have these plants outside. But in other areas, it is recommended to grow them inside your home as they need less light.

Being available in different colors gives a new look to your home, and you need not worry about your pets if you have any. These beautiful and unique plants are Pets Friendly. The add on beauty with benefits are it is Gorgeous Flowers of different colors.

Unique Facts About Bromeliad Plants

Bromeliad Plants

Like all the usual plants, the Bromeliads never get the nutrients and water for their Roots’ growth. They get water and nutrients from rainwater and air. They take advantage of their root to be connected and attached for support, nothing else.

If you ever had Orchids or you have them at present, planning to get Bromeliads, then you can do it without any room for doubt. It will be a straightforward task for you to take care of Bromeliads because these seek care just like Orchids. These grow on trees, rocks, and other plants as well.

Bromeliads Plants’ False Assumptions

After getting the Bromeliads plants at home, many people think that they will get flowers very soon and become impatient when it does not happen. And it is widespread to lose patience after a few months. Because every plant you grow should give you flowers in some months, Bromeliads are unique.

Bromeliads give you small flowers, and this process may take even 2-3 years sometimes to get maturity of growth. Another misconception is that the growth with colorful stuff visible to you is Flowers.But that is the Flower Bracts, not the actual Flowers.Bromeliad flowers always grow out of Floral Bracts.

Bromeliads give you colorful spikes sometimes and those come out of Floral bracts but not the actual Flowers. Moreover, some Bromeliads give you small and significant flowers, not the big and large spikes. These have a brief life span, and they die after giving you beautiful and colorful spikes.

Different Branches of Bromeliad Plants

But do not worry, the beauty of your house will not be compromised as they give birth to their lot of young ones to carry forward their duty to contribute to the beauty of your home. This process keeps on going being one as a parent and new branches or spikes as kids.

Some Bromeliads are challenging to care about. They become dry when they do not get proper water and light in the winter season. So, this is a bit challenging to grow them inside the house as houseplants.

Caring Guide for the Bromeliad Plants

Bromeliads need special care than any other plants or species you have as they take their nutrients, not from roots but leaves, through Stomata and from the air. We need to have a clear idea of taking care of Leaves while watering the plants, providing them appropriate heating, weather, and light.

Let us discuss the dos and don’ts in an elaborated way that how to care for Bromeliads.

How to Water Bromeliads

How to Water Bromeliads

Bromeliads do not take anything from roots, so you need not water the roots like the way you do for other familiar plants. Let us take this as a particular case due to the unique nature of the Bromeliads. You need to fill the plant’s center cup, and leaves will take water and necessary nutrients through it.

While watering, please take care of the critical fact that Bromeliads are susceptible plants. So, they need fresh and pure water, not the one you use for other plants. Tap water will not be suitable for the Bromeliads.  It may contain many bacteria and pathogens that may harm the growth and lead to the premature death of your plant.

It is the best thing to use filtered water or rainwater collected adequately before falling on the ground. Moreover, the cup’s water needs to be changed after every 5-6 days not to stale.

The Best Suited Humidity

How to care for Bromeliads from a Humidity point of view is also a matter of concern when you grow them inside your homes. During winters, the air is dry, so we need to provide a better humidity range to the plant.

To achieve this, place the plant in the room or area with appropriate humidity or near the kitchen sink and bathroom can be an option. But how to calculate the humidity if it is at the appropriate level.

For that, you can put a humidifier near your Bromeliads to maintain an appropriate and perfect level of humidity for your plant growth.

Check this link for the best quality humidifier:

[amazon box=”B088B8G6NL”]

Lightning Necessities for Bromeliads

How to care for Bromeliads against lightning is essential if the place where you put your Bromeliads is not getting enough light.

Direct sunlight can burn the leaves, and less light can hinder the growth. So, a perfect light is needed to have the best results.

Tip: You can also use Grow Lights, readily available with all spectrums, to have a perfect Bromeliads environment.

What type of Fertilizers Should you Use?

Bromeliads do not need fertilizers; however, these can be an added advantage from a nutritional point of view. Use only organic fertilizers as these plants are susceptible to chemicals, so avoid using Chemical Fertilizers.

What Type of Pesticides are Recommended?

Do not use Chemical Pesticides and try to use only organic or homemade pesticides for your plant.

You can use Neem Oil as an organic pesticide to protect the plant from household pests. Other than this, you can also use cotton dipped in Ethyl alcohol to clean the leaves for protection from Pests.

This is one of the best methods and techniques to secure your Bromeliad from household pests. Moreover, Rectified Spirit that contains 94.5% Ethyl Alcohol, will do the work, and it can be readily available at a nearby Pharmaceutical Store.

Warning! If you use Chemical pesticides, they may damage your Bromeliads.

The Best Potting Mix for your Bromeliads:

Bromeliads do not need any soil in a pot to grow as they get their nutrients and water not from soil but the air. Bromeliads can be grown on Woods, Rocks, and Logs. If you want to grow Bromeliads in the pots, what type of potting mix should you prefer?

The Potting mix should be handmade for the best results and care of your beautiful plant. You can buy Bromeliads Potting Mix or Orchid Potting mix as Orchids and Bromeliads’ care are almost the same. You can use your homemade Bromeliad potting.

If you decide to put your Bromeliads in a regular pot, make sure the soil is dry.

How to care for Bromeliads is no longer a question as you have a fair idea about the dos and don’ts. So, enjoy the indoor beauty with Bromeliads and take care of them as per the above facts.

Check this link to buy your Bromeliads today.

[amazon box=”B073V9QJBM”]

All the best for your beautiful Bromeliads experience and let us make your house more beautiful with colorful plants!

Sandy Jensen
Sandy Jensen is the founder of OrganizeWithSandy and Works with Champalimaud Design where she curates and creates fresh ideas for designing and styling your life.

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