
How to Keep Your Home Cool in the Summer

How to Keep Your Home Cool in the Summer

When the heat starts to take over during summer, you will want to find some of the most efficient methods you can use to help keep the home as cool as possible. You can run the air conditioner, but when the heat and humidity creep up there, the air conditioner may struggle to keep up and you may worry that it will get too expensive to cool down the space. Some of the steps you can take to help keep your home cool in the summer, while also reducing your utility bill and giving the air conditioner a break includes:

Block Out the Sun

This may seem like an obvious one, but there are a lot of people who love to have the sun streaming through their windows to brighten up the space. But this also allows in all the heat from the rays of the sun too and can make your home hotter than before. If you find that your air conditioner is not able to keep up, then it is time to resist the temptations and keep the blinds and curtains closed throughout the day when it is really hot outside.

The direction the windows face will make a difference too. If you have rooms that face to the south, then they will be the worst for letting in heat. You can consider some window shades there to help make sure that you keep the rays of the sun as far from your home as possible to make it cooler.

Let in the Cool Air

Many times, the hottest part of the day will occur around four to five in the afternoon, with it steadily getting warmer until that time and then cooling down. In the morning, it can still be enjoyable and nice. Rather than running the air conditioner and hoping it can get cool before it gets too hot, consider opening up the windows and letting in the cool air as much as possible. Keep them open in the evening as you sleep and early in the morning to cool down the home and make it feel better for longer. Then, when it starts to warm up, close the and see how long it can stay comfortable in your home.

Consider Eating Outside

Eating inside can generate a lot of heat, making the air conditioner need to work twice as hard as before if you are not careful. Rather than turning on the stove or oven to get a meal cooked, consider whether it makes sense to go outside and eat instead. You can use a variety of options to help with this, such as making sandwiches and eating in the shade or turning on the grill and having some summer favorites. You can still get a great meal with the family, make some memories, and not have to worry about heating up the home too much when the air conditioner is already struggling.

Turn Off Lights and Appliances

When the lights and appliances are not being used in your home, it is a good idea to turn them off. The lights may not emit a ton of heat, but it is often enough to notice. Plus, the room can instantly feel cooler when it is dark, even if nothing else has changed in that area. You should remember to save on electricity and heat by turning off lights when you walk out of the room.

Another thing to consider is turning off all appliances that are not being used. In fact, try to limit your use of some appliances like the oven and stove, as much as possible during the summer. These are great for warming up a home when it is cold outside, but they can make it unbearable when you are trying to keep the home cooler. Consider bringing out the grill or eating something cooler and keeping those appliances off on the hottest days of the week.

Use a Fan

It may seem like a simple solution, but it can make a big difference when you want to keep the area of your home as cool as possible. Turning on a fan in whatever room you are in, whether it is a ceiling fan or one you bring around with you, can make a big difference in how cool the area feels to you. In fact, you may be able to keep the home a few degrees warmer, without noticing, when the fan is on. Just direct the breeze right to you and see what a difference it can make to your level of comfort, without having to turn the air conditioner down. And since the fan uses less electricity than the air conditioner, you won’t have to worry about a high utility bill.

Maintain Your Air Conditioner

One of the best things that you can do to make sure your home is as comfortable as possible in the summer is to check the air conditioner. When the system is running well, it is more efficient and much better at making sure you don’t end up with a heat stroke during the middle of the summer. An older unit will need more attention compared to a newer one, so having the professionals stop by and take care of it will ensure you stay nice and cool. Finding small issues early on can keep the air conditioner running strong and prevents a costly bill later on.

When you are looking for Louisville AC repair, then trust our team to be there to get it done. We have the right tools and experience to get the work done, whether you need a small repair or a full AC replacement to keep your home cool in the summer. Don’t wait until the last minute to get your air conditioner checked out, or you may find yourself uncomfortable and not having a lot of fun as the temperatures start to crawl higher and higher. Our team can help, no matter the weather, answer your questions, and make sure that you are as comfortable as possible all summer long. Contact us today to get started!

Sandy Jensen
Sandy Jensen, a celebrated writer in the home and garden niche, boasts over 12 years of hands-on experience. Her educational background includes a Bachelor’s in Landscape Architecture from Cornell University. Before joining our team in 2016, she worked as a landscape designer, combining her love for nature and design. Sandy's expertise shines through her articles, offering readers practical and aesthetically pleasing gardening tips. Off the clock, she enjoys hiking and nature photography, further nurturing her connection with the outdoors.

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