Whether you are a bachelor or have young kids at home, a football or rugby match on the weekends in your backyard is sure short a fun idea. If your property is spacious, a backyard football field is one of the freshest ideas to spend some quality time with your friends.
We are all locked up in our homes in 2021 and practicing those footsy and soccer skills of your childhood with your toddlers will give all the hype and adrenaline rush you need.
Your backyard does not need to be the full 120 yards, and still, you can make your customized football field, which will be as much amazing. If you are not sure how, make sure you read till the end of this article to get all the guides you need, step by step.
Few Things to Keep in Mind
Locate a proper space in your backyard: Have a rough idea of the amount of space you can afford for your goal post and practice area. On a smaller backyard, a single net will do.
Decide if you want to add fencing or not: If it is a wide-open backyard, you might not need this. But if space is not that big, it might be a good idea to consider fencing.
Determine the number and size of goals: If adults are playing on the field, the goal post can be approx. 8×24, but if kids are having fun, a goal post around 6×18 will work.
Steps to Make a Football Field in your Backyard

Image Source – https://www.fun365.orientaltrading.com/project/diy-backyard-football-field
Give your Backyard that Professional Feel
Start by making your backyard squeaky clean. You and your kids will love the feel of a beautiful, fresh, well-mowed backyard. You do not want your sport field to look ugly with all the weeds and Bindiis, do you? Use any specialized, safe weed treatment to get rid of all of them.
If you want your football field to look greener, then give your lawn the perfect nutrient of liquid fertilizers. Clear all branches and fallen leaves and give your grass a mow.
Choose the Best Layout
When you are customizing your soccer field, choosing a perfect layout is a big task you have in your hand. Forget the idea that a more significant area means more fun. If your home is not as spacious, playing even on a half field or a penalty box will be intense.
Take the Measurements and Level up your Field if you Want
Measure the dimensions of your rectangular field and make sure the ratio is a standard 2:26:1. Do you want your football ground to be at the field level? If not, consider leveling the area with some artificial turf or plant grass.
Mark your Boundaries
Begin by placing sport pylons or orange cones in the corners of your field. Start stringing down the entire length of your football ground by pulling a rope from a corner of any end zone to another. Use this rope as a direction to mark the outer boundaries of your soccer field. Use only any paint or chalk that is safe on lawns.
Create Yard Lines
Next, detach your field into 12 increments. Divide the length of your field with 12 to get an approx.—idea of the dimensions of each yard line. Mark 12 sections across the length of your field and make 11 notches to measure the sideline.
Repeat the same process on the opposite end. Paint a horizontal line to join these notches across the field. If you find it challenging to make a straight line, stretch a rope over the field from one notch to another as you paint.
Highlight the End Zones
End zones are a mark of the end of your playing area. They are two sections situated on opposite sides of your soccer playground. You can mark them with extra cones or pylons if you have, or else you can use spray paint, chalk, or even a nylon string. If you are about making the lines straight, then simply use a meter stick, or any long object kept in your home.
Chalk Down the field Numbers and Hash Marks
Chalk down the field numbers in a uniform height and breadth on the ten-yard lines you have just made. Then approximately, get an idea of the width of the hash marks and mark accordingly on the field. All four hash marks between each section should have equal spaces.
Purchase and Install your Goal Post
Next is time for you to choose the perfect goal post for your field from the various options. Goalposts can be:
Permanent: If you are making a long-term plan to keep the backyard football field for years, do spend a little more money on useful quality goal posts that you need not replace regularly.
Temporary: If your backyard football field is just for temporary purposes like entertaining some special guests who are going to visit you or hosting a soccer party with your friends on some special occasion, then go for the cheaper options. There are a lot of plastic goalposts and inflatable posts available in the market that will go light on your pocket.
Also, inflatable posts are safe for your children since they will not hurt themselves on bumping into them. If you are tight on the budget, you can also consider making one with PVC or wood, which you can turn into a fun activity with your young ones.
Keep Ready Enough Football Sets and Gears
To never let the energy and vibe of your soccer party go down, keep ready sufficient, and even extra football sets and gear. You do not need to worry about the shoes, though.
Double up the Fun with all the Play items and Extra Balls and Gears
If you want to infuse the feels of team-spirit, buy jerseys to separate the players from two different teams. If a lot of kids are coming over, then just one football will not be enough.
Keep at least a minimum of three to five new footballs if you do not want to take a chance of spoiling the game. Pigskin footballs can be a great choice. Be careful enough to store them in good condition under the proper shed. Also, keep in stock, other fun items like the referee’s whistle and gears.
Create a Separate Area for the Spectators
Only eleven of your guests will be playing on the football field, and for sure, you do not want to bore the rest of them. Create necessary arrangements for the spectators as well. Set up the benches for both players and viewers on the area outside of your game.
Your guests, who are not good players, can sit out there comfortably and enjoy watching the match with their favorite snacks. Also, remember that your players will have to sit down and take rest and stretch their legs during intervals. So, you will have to keep a seating area ready for them. You can later re-use these benches for hosting events or get-togethers at your home.
Set the Vibe Right by Painting yours and your Kid’s Favorite Football Team’s Logo
Want to set the energy of your game. Get your hands-on paint and show all your creativity on the field. Get a little extra and spray-paint the logo of the football team you and your kids are a fan of on each end zone and see how cool it looks.
Your kids will love this little surprise, and it is an excellent way to keep yourself motivated to play with your kids as well! Trust us on this, this idea is fantastic and is sure to grab some eyeballs.
Rules are Rules
Whether it just a casual footsy practice or a serious match with your friends where you want to re-create an NFL-like experience, rules will set the tone. Just because it is a soccer game in the backyard of your home does not mean you need not play by the rules and ruin all the competition and fun. For getting the real feeling of a match, make sure you have rules according to the game type you will be playing.
Have Mad Fun
After all these efforts and sweating, all you deserve is to have crazy fun on the football field. So, what are you waiting for, just set your foot on the field and enjoy the weekend with a footsy match with your family? Get ready for all the excitement coming your and your kids’ way on football-themed parties. Best of luck!