
How to Organise Your Closet: A Step-By-Step Guide


People usually store all kinds of items in their closets, from clothes and shoes to photo albums, vacuum cleaners and other old belongings that have probably remained from as far back as their school years. No matter how much we might want our closet space to be unlimited, that’s impossible, and we need to take some time to organise it occasionally.

To help you with that and make the process smoother and stress-free, try these tried and true methods and tips for getting your closet in order.

Step-By-Step Closet Organisation

Follow these 5 steps to organise your closet successfully and functionally.

#1 Empty Your Closet

As a start, take all the items out of your closet. Don’t leave anything inside so you can clean it without any obstacles.

While all your possessions are out, use a broom or a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth or a mop to remove the dirt and dust and give the space a thorough cleaning. Once you’ve done that, consider putting in a few scented sachets or bars of scented soap to refresh the air and keep moths away.

#2 Sort Out into Piles

Evaluate all your belongings. Decide whether you actually need an item and if you’re going to use it or not.

To make this step of the process easier, sort the items into three categories: “keep”, “throw away”, and “donate”. Keep in mind that something that you no longer need, but is still in good condition, can be useful to someone else, such as a friend or a relative. However, anything that’s worn out, damaged beyond repair, too big or small, or doesn’t fit your current style should be permanently removed from your closet.

To help with this, domestic cleaning experts and organisers also recommend keeping a donation bin, box or bag somewhere in your house after you’ve finished organising. This way, you’ll always have a place to put items into when you decide you’re ready to part with them instead of cluttering your closet.

#3 Declutter

If there are items that you’re in doubt whether to keep or not, ask yourself the following questions to help you make a decision:

  • Do I actually use or wear it?
  • Do I still like it?
  • Does it make you feel good when you wear or use it?
  • Does it make your life easier, or just it’s just adding to the clutter?

If you’re honest with your answers to these questions, it’ll be a lot easier to clear out your closet from unnecessary items. If you have to think long about your answer and you still can’t decide, get rid of it because this very likely means that you don’t need it.

#4 Purge

Go through your “throw away” pile and separate the items into recyclables and non-recyclables. Usually, 60% of household waste can be recycled, and you can research recycling centres and take your items there.

Next, donate the things that are still in good condition, but you’ve decided you no longer need from the “donate” pile. Along with your clothing items, you may have other things, such as furniture or electronics, you may want to get rid of. If they are still in good condition, this is also an opportunity for you to earn some money by organising a yard sale or putting them online.

However, if the larger items you want to get rid of are no longer usable and you’re unable to move them yourself, consider calling a waste collection and removal service, who can come and pick up any non-hazardous items from your house.

#5 Organise

Once you’re done decluttering and sorting your belongings, go through the pile with things you intend to keep and make sure everything is clean and in good condition before putting it back inside your closet.

To get your closet organised in the best possible way, try to sorting similar items together. For example, store shoe boxes at the bottom, clothes on hangers organised by type and seasonal use, sweaters on shelves, and everything else in drawers.

Besides that, think about storage in unexpected places and consider investing in smart storage solutions.

#6 Maintain the Order

Once you’re finished organising your closet, put in effort to keep it that way. Organisation and decluttering are ongoing processes, the most important part of which is to put in the effort to maintain the results.

Find a designated place for each item in your closet, and keep the ones you use frequently in more accessible spots. If you start designating places for each specific item, it’ll become easier to put it back where it belongs.

Closet Organisation Systems

To help you with maintaining your closet organised, there’s a variety of systems available, some of which even provide customisation. When choosing one, take into account your specific storage needs, the size and layout of your closet, your budget and the material and installation requirements of the system. Besides that, after you’ve made a decision, it’s also advised to take account of your belongings and plan the space accordingly so it’s of optimal use to you.

Custom Closet Systems

These are the most expensive closet system options, but they provide the most possibilities for customisation and can be tailored to your specific needs. They typically include built-in shelving, hanging rods, drawers, and additional features that can be customised to fit your closet space and belongings.

Wire Closet Systems

These types of closet organisation systems are more affordable and great for organising small to medium-sized closets. They typically include wire shelving and hanging rods that can be adjusted to fit your needs. Besides that, they are also easy to install and can be customised with accessories like baskets, hooks, and shoe racks.

Modular Closet Systems

Modular closet organisation systems are versatile and can be customised to fit your space and storage needs. They typically include pre-made components, such as shelves, drawers, and hanging rods, that can be assembled to create a personalised system. They’re easy to install and can be adjusted as your storage needs change.

Standalone Storage Organisers

These types of closet organisers are suitable for people who don’t want to install a permanent closet system. They typically include a combination of shelves, drawers, and hanging rods that can be moved around to fit your storage needs and are also affordable and easy to assemble.

Final Words

When organising your closet, keep in mind that decluttering will be an important step of the process, and you will need to part with certain items even if you might not want to. Your end goal should be to create a clean and functional space for your clothes, accessories and other belongings. Besides that, remember that this process can often be tedious, so don’t be afraid to call for help and remember to keep your energy levels high by staying hydrated and eating regularly.

Sandy Jensen
Sandy Jensen, a celebrated writer in the home and garden niche, boasts over 12 years of hands-on experience. Her educational background includes a Bachelor’s in Landscape Architecture from Cornell University. Before joining our team in 2016, she worked as a landscape designer, combining her love for nature and design. Sandy's expertise shines through her articles, offering readers practical and aesthetically pleasing gardening tips. Off the clock, she enjoys hiking and nature photography, further nurturing her connection with the outdoors.

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