
Hydraulic Fluid for Log Splitter [Buying Guide] 

Hydraulic Fluid for Log Splitter [Buying Guide] 

You will need to cut many wood logs if you live in the countryside, especially in the winters. These wood logs are mostly used to fire up the berth in your house. But chopping these woods regularly could be very irritating, and you will find the need for a substitute to your workforce, which is even more efficient in cutting the wooden logs and keeping the fire berths warm

This is where log splitters come into play. They are not less than a blessing, because it is all thanks to them that anyone can now carry out a task which was earlier suitable for the muscular and young people

These log splitters are also used in commercial roles. This makes them an on-demand product, especially in the cold parts of the country. Believe it or not, it can beat even the most powerful man in log cutting, obviously because it is a machine.

Types of Log Splitters


Log splitters generally come in two categories. They are categorized based on how they cut the log. First comes the hydraulic log splitter, which has been in the industry for many years and is used by most people.

And the second kind of log splitters is called the kinetic log splitters. They are a seemingly new technology and have been advocated by many to be the right replacement for hydraulic log splitters, but that is not the case.

The difference between hydraulic log splitters and kinetic log splitter is how they operate. The working of hydraulic log splitters is based on the hydraulic principle of liquids, which states that an absolute pressure applied to a liquid can produce a magnified form of force.

This principle has innovated a lot of mechanical industries and machines in the world. Kinetic log splitter, on the other hand, works on kinetic energy.

Today we will be talking about the hydraulic version of log splitters and the hydraulic fluids for log splitters.

Hydraulic is preferred over the log splitter’s kinetic version because they can handle huge chunks of woods with ease. The same cannot be said about kinetic log splitter. This makes hydraulic versions a better option against the kinetic ones.

A hydraulic log splitter is equipped with a hydraulic system, which is common to all hydraulic machinery. Now let us see for ourselves what are the components of a typical hydraulic system.

Components of a Hydraulic system

Components of a Hydraulic system

The hydraulic system components are standard, and you can easily understand what their role in the system is. Each component in the system is very significant, and damage to one component can lead to machinery failure and even accidents.

The Reservoir

This is the first component of the hydraulic system. It stores all the liquid fluid for the log splitter and transfers it to the system to create pressure. A standard hydraulic log splitter can store about 3 to 4 gallons of hydraulic fluid in it. This reservoir has two openings for letting out the fluid.

The Pump

As the name suggests, the lump helps to pump the liquid from the reservoir to the hydraulic cylinder. It is directly connected with the reservoir and may or may not have a filter for filtering the hydraulic fluid in the pathway.

The pump in shorts helps in generating the mechanical force inside the hydraulic system. It is this mechanical movement of liquids that results in an even bigger movement on the outside.

The Valves

The valves control the flow of hydraulic fluid from the reservoir to the hydraulic cylinder. The pathway of fluid is decided there. The hydraulic fluid could either enter the upper half of the hydraulic cylinder or the lower half from a valve. This compact storage of fluid in the cylinder results in hydraulic pressure, which helps in the mechanical movement.

All these components are closely connected and result in the movement of the machine’s hydraulic movement due to the cyclical and synchronized movement of hydraulic fluid inside the system. A leakage in the hydraulic system could affect its performance to a great extent. This is what the guys in engineering also must study! 

Now let us see what we need to think about while getting hydraulic fluid for log splitters.

Hydraulic Fluid for Log Splitters

Hydraulic Fluid for Log Splitters

While there is a lot of good quality hydraulic fluid for log splitters, the chances are that the suitable one for your machine will not suit other machines and vice versa. So, recommending names of hydraulic fluids that you should be using will not be that productive. But what would be more productive is recommending you what to look for in the hydraulic fluid for purchasing the perfect one.

The Company Knows Better

When looking for hydraulic fluid for log splitters, the first thing you should be doing is search for the fluid recommended by manufacturers of your log splitters.

Having manufactured the product you are using for umpteen times, they are always better positioned to recommend which type of hydraulic fluid will suit your machinery the best. It would be best if you made this your rule of thumb.

The hydraulic fluids recommended by them will generally be very popular and easily accessible from your nearest supermarkets. If the fluid they have recommended is not available near you, you can call their customer helpline and ask for alternate hydraulic fluid brands to suit your machine the best.

If you do not want to contact the company or find their answer unsatisfactory, you can also ask for advice from a local mechanic. Chances are they will tell you the best hydraulic oil, which is specific to your needs.


Viscosity is an important aspect that you should always look at before purchasing a hydraulic fluid. It is the viscosity that will decide the adequate performance of your log splitter. A more viscous hydraulic fluid will take a lot of time to move inside the hydraulic system.

This will make the hydraulic system slow and ineffective. A less viscous fluid will not be easily controlled, and it may vaporize. So, it is always better to look at the viscosity of the hydraulic fluid before purchasing

The Climate of Your Place

Your place’s climate plays a vital role in deciding what will be the viscosity of your hydraulic fluid for log splitters. If you live in a hot place for most of the year or are purchasing fluid when it’s got in your place, you would want to go for more viscous fluids. The reason being that their viscosity will be reduced due to the heat in the environment.

If you live in a cold place for most of the year or it is cold when you need hydraulic fluid, you should go for fluid that is less dense. The reason behind this strategy is that a viscous fluid can quickly get more viscous or even freeze in cold weather. So, keep in mind the climate and the weather of the place you dwell in.

Synthetic or Natural

If you are looking for hydraulic fluid for log splitters, you will have to choose between two options. Hydraulic fluids are of two types. One is a natural hydraulic fluid that is obtained from crude oil after refining.

Natural hydraulic oil being a convenient option, is cheaper. The second option in front of you is synthetic hydraulic oils. These oils are manufactured in laboratories using chemicals. They are more expensive than their natural counterparts. The advantage they have over the natural fluids is that they are more effective in lubrication than the latter.

If you are looking for a cheaper option, you may want to consider going with natural hydraulic oil. But if the price is not an issue for you and you are laying more heed to the lubrication potential, you should go with synthetic hydraulic fluids for log splitters.


Look for hydraulic fluids which are anti-rust in nature. This means that in the application, they cover the hydraulic with a liquid layer preventing them from getting rusts as it might hamper the hydraulic system’s performance.

Moreover, if you have a hydraulic log splitter, you need to take proper care. Make sure that the hydraulic fluid inside it is changed after every 100 hours of work. Do not let hydraulic oil in places that are close to the engine and can get hot. As the hydraulic oil being easily flammable can ignite and destroy all your log splitters.


These are some of the points you need to look at and get checked before purchasing hydraulic fluid for log splitters. It would not be that much of a hectic task after you get it for the first time.

We also had a look at all the necessary components of a hydraulic system. So now you know what goes on inside these big machines like cranes and others. It is all the power of fluid!

If you haven’t purchased a log splitter yet and are looking to purchase one,n you should go with a hydraulic log splitter if the size of the logs you need to cut is significant and if you want it for commercial purposes.

But if the logs’ size is going to be small, you should go with a kinetic log splitter. It can easily suit your household needs.

Sandy Jensen
Sandy Jensen is the founder of OrganizeWithSandy and Works with Champalimaud Design where she curates and creates fresh ideas for designing and styling your life.

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