
Is It Time for a Garden Makeover?


Did you know that 83% of Americans think that having a yard is important? This figure shows that no matter how much time we spend indoors or how wrapped up in technology we become, nature and outdoor time will always be a critical part of our daily lives. Spending time in your enclosed patio with a book in your hand and sunshine is all what you need to enjoy outdoors.

Because your outdoor living space is so important, you’ll want to think about whether it’s time to revamp your space with a garden makeover. Read on to learn some signs that it’s time to create a new garden look and get some tips on how you can improve your lawn.

Signs It’s Time for a Garden Makeover

Most people decide to alter their outdoor living space when they get bored with the previous one. This makes sense since the human mind craves change and variety, especially when it comes to your surroundings. Redecorating your garden can keep you alert and make you feel comfortable in a new and improved setting.

However, there are some definitive times that you need a garden makeover- it isn’t 100% based on feeling. Read on for some instances that it’s time to switch things up even if you don’t actively want to let go of your current look.

It’s Been a While

When you notice that you haven’t rearranged for 3 or more years, you need to move things in your garden around. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to uproot all of your plants and throw out old ornaments and statues. You can change the location of these items or add some new features to your existing layout.

Throw in a new garden gnome or move your rock garden to another area. Switch out the metal ornaments that you currently have to those in another color. Paint a rock and incorporate it in the center of a flowerbed. The possibilities are limitless.

The Seasons Are Moving Forward

You probably shouldn’t switch your garden up in late autumn when the winter is about to come. Not only will this be a vain effort since all of your flowers and veggies are about to die or hibernate, but cold fronts and snow can destroy trinkets and ornaments if you leave them out. Since you’ll be putting all of these away soon, there’s no reason to worry about switching things up.

Your redecoration efforts will be best completed in early spring. This will give you two full seasons to showcase your garden before putting it away. You can also change your plants in late summer to grow pumpkins and gourds for the fall season. The bottom line is that your yard should move forward as the seasons do.

Your Space Is Falling Apart

Like any aspect of your home’s decor, you’ll need to give your garden a new look when it begins to fall apart. If one of your porcelain decorations cracks or a tree dies and needs to be cut down, this is a sign that it’s time for a garden facelift.

You also may want to alter your garden when undergoing other exterior renovations as well. If you need to repaint your siding or apply new roofing to your home, why not kill two birds with one stone and improve your lawn as well? This will give your space an all-around new feel and boost your mood.

You’re Undergoing Major Life Changes

If you’re undergoing major life changes such as a career shift, new relationship, or divorce, renewing your garden can be therapeutic. Gardening boosts mental health and can serve as an outlet for the emotions that you’re feeling (whether they or positive or negative).

Your garden’s changing is also a great way to physically express the changes that you will be making. It’s a representation of your initiative and who you will be going forward. Changing things up in all areas of your life is the perfect way to create a whole new you.

How to Decorate Your Garden (and Make It Awesome!)

Now that you know when you need a garden makeover, you likely are curious about some unique ideas on how to make your space look amazing and individualistic. While you could purchase literally any decorations from (a site we highly recommend), you need to know how to actually apply your changes. Read on for some tips!

Switch Out Your Plants

If you’ve grown the same marigolds and roses every year for your entire adult life, it’s definitely time for a switch to dracaena varieties. Try growing something larger and more challenging to maintain like a sunflower- it’s incredibly fun and rewarding. You also might like to add some unique and underrated flowers like bleeding hearts to the mix.

If you’re not already growing vegetables, this is something you definitely want to invest in. You’ll love the delicious dishes that you can make with fresh, home-grown tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, and radishes. They give you something to actually showcase as the fruit of your labors… no pun intended.

Find a Unique Planter

When you begin to grow new plants, you’ll need to select planters that work perfectly for your needs. Consider functionalities like the shape and size of your new planters before anything else. Your new plants need room inside them to grow and thrive.

One great way to add a personal touch to your garden is by DIY-ing a planter box. You can use materials like wood and create a custom-sized planter box using Kreg hole jigs for precise and sturdy joints. This allows you to have a unique planter that perfectly fits your space and style.

You also will want to get a color that works well with the rest of your gardens. Natural greens always look good, but a pop of black or white is the perfect choice for any outdoor space. If you plan to place a planter in a certain flowerbed, match the color of their petals.

Add Hand-Painted Rocks

Hand-painted objects are a great way to make your garden one-of-a-kind. Since rock gardens are really cool, grab some interestingly-shaped rocks and acrylic paint. You can design these stones with a partner, child, or friends for an even better time.

Try out various colors and patterns when you get creative. Initials and names are a great choice, but so are stripes and polka dots. You can also paint a small rendition of a pet or favorite flower.

Design Your New Garden Look Today

While there are many different ways to express yourself when designing and maintaining your outdoor space, having a garden makeover is one of the best. Check out the ‘patio, lawn, and garden’ tab on our home page to browse articles on how you can give your garden an awesome facelift. Have fun showcasing your awesome taste and getting creative!

Sandy Jensen
Sandy Jensen, a celebrated writer in the home and garden niche, boasts over 12 years of hands-on experience. Her educational background includes a Bachelor’s in Landscape Architecture from Cornell University. Before joining our team in 2016, she worked as a landscape designer, combining her love for nature and design. Sandy's expertise shines through her articles, offering readers practical and aesthetically pleasing gardening tips. Off the clock, she enjoys hiking and nature photography, further nurturing her connection with the outdoors.

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