How To Organize

How to Organize Your Pantry in 5 Simple Steps

how to organize your pantry
Orlando,FL USA - January10, 2021: A home pantry that is organized with various products in put away in a tidy manner.

Indeed, nothing makes a kitchen more appealing and manageable than a well-planned and tidy pantry.

A pantry is indeed a treasure chest for any cook, but you need to know where to look before finding your culinary treasure.

Needless to say, a disorganized pantry can make meal planning quite a challenge, not to mention, you may not even know what you don’t have in your kitchen and therefore need to restock.

Whether you have a walk-in pantry or a simple cupboard, keeping it organized with plant shelves and countertops goes a long way in making kitchen chores easier, keeping kitchen items in order, and preparing meals more fun.

So, how do you make the most out of your pantry? It’s simple! Here are tips on how to get started on an organized pantry:

Sort and purge

The first step in organizing your pantry is sorting the items in the cabinets and getting rid of what you don’t need, specifically duplicates and expired goods.

With everything sorted and categorized, you can quickly identify how much you have of each item, making it easier to toss all the unnecessary and expired items.

Ideally, you can designate three bags while sorting and purging; for trash, recycling, and charity. Everything you don’t need goes into the trash bag, what can be reused goes into the recycling bag, and duplicates go into the charity bag.


After you have sorted everything in your pantry, it is time to categorize your items accordingly. Here are some tips to help you in planning and organizing the items:

  • Decide where to place items based on space available and daily use
  • Decide where in the kitchen the item is suited (e.g., near the oven, sink, fridge, etc.)
  • Visualize configuration possibilities
  • Determine the best containers to use based on space available and the type of item

Items you rarely use can be placed on the top shelves of the pantry. Be sure to place everyday things like coffee and cereal at eye level and heavy ones like potatoes and onions on the bottom shelves. Also, remember to put snack foods with labels facing forward for easier access and to avoid confusion.

Use clear containers

Your choice of containers is a vital part of the process of organizing your pantry.

While here, always go for clear containers to see what you have on hand. This helps you know when to restock specific goods, so you never run out of things unexpectedly.

Equally important, avoid using plastic containers as they tend to absorb odors and oils. They may also contain bisphenol – A (BPA), a chemical that can contaminate your food and cause health problems.


Labeling your containers is always important in keeping things in order, and more so when you use opaque containers whose contents cannot be clearly identified.

There are several ways you can label your pantry. For instance, you can use chalk labels, label stickers, label markers, or even cut and make your own labels from recycled cards.

Whichever labeling method appeals to you, it is advisable to have uniform labels for all items. Besides giving your pantry a home, labeling is an effective way to ensure neatness and keep your pantry looking like a pro organized it.

Create a dedicated space for kids

Another important tip on how to organize your kitchen pantry is to dedicate a space for your kids, and there are a few things to note here. One, keep healthy snacks at eye level (typically the lower shelves) so your children won’t have a problem reaching for them.

Labeling all the items clearly can help the kids know what is meant for them and what is out of bounds. For younger but independent kids, labeling can be useful in helping them access their snacks and enhance their reading.

Moreover, involve your kids in the pantry setup, so they know where everything is and where to put it after they are done with it. This saves you the trouble of rearranging things every time because they keep messing them up.

The takeaway

Regardless of your pantry’s size, you can organize it to keep it neat orderly and ensure everything is easily accessible like wheelbarrow storage. Every house needs a pantry that is organized.

A disorganized pantry makes meal planning difficult and clutters the kitchen. With these steps, you have the requisite tool to keep your kitchen pantry well-kept at all times.

The most difficult part of organizing is starting! With your vision and these tips, nothing can stop you! Once you have an idea of your vision, the next step is to begin.

Sandy Jensen
Sandy Jensen, a celebrated writer in the home and garden niche, boasts over 12 years of hands-on experience. Her educational background includes a Bachelor’s in Landscape Architecture from Cornell University. Before joining our team in 2016, she worked as a landscape designer, combining her love for nature and design. Sandy's expertise shines through her articles, offering readers practical and aesthetically pleasing gardening tips. Off the clock, she enjoys hiking and nature photography, further nurturing her connection with the outdoors.

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