Organizing Mission Monday Link Party – Week 27


Here is a before picture of my entryway.

It didn’t bother me much that it was not “decor” attractive. It was very functional with each child having their own color cubby. But now that I am finally able to decorate this house and I did the dining room, I wanted to spruce this up a bit.

My plan is to paint the front hallway and family room and more than likely kitchen a darker taupe color. Right now it is a light tan (the whole house is this color now. The “moving” basic color. But since we decided not to move, we can paint and not worry about what the Realtor’s say!)

I didn’t spend much out here. But I do think it looks better. I got black cubby’s. The kids know which spot is theirs now. I got the new wipe board with key holder and bulletin board from Hobby Lobby and the mail box from Target.

I actually tried to paint the stainless mirror black. But it didn’t come out very good. You can’t tell here. But the paint should have gone on glossy. It has uneven surfaces. Not from where it didn’t cover well, but it just looks like it has been spray painted. I’ll find a use for it somewhere, but I didn’t want it in the front hallway.

I got a Welcome sign and hung it up so you see it when you first come in.

Here is what it looks like from the other view. You can see how my dining room is right off the entryway, so I wanted to pull it all together.

By now you’ve seen my chalkboard wall that I painted. I don’t have a before picture of the wall, but there was nothing there… just ugly tan paint.

My walls work on a bit of an angle.

I used the angled wall for the mailboxes for the kids. I had been wanting mailboxes like these for awhile. I love the ones at The Pottery Barn and had even found a two or four box (all in one unit) like these from Ballard’s, but both were too expensive. I ended up finding these at Hobby Lobby and both of them together still ended up being only half as much as what I would have paid for them at either of the other places.

Because of the angle I don’t have to worry about people running into them. I debated which walls to put them on and which walls to put the chalkboard wall on. I went this way because I felt the mailboxes might get knocked into or someone my back into it…. saying goodbye or hello in the entryway. It isn’t a very large area.

At present I am storing the chalk and eraser in the one cubby. I have to figure out something cute for those supplies yet.

I’m pleased with how it came out. I still want to paint, but not sure when that will happen. Hopefully this summer.

Check out my Featured Bloggers for this Week:

Lindy from The Happy Healthy Home

Lindy is the kind of friend that we all want! lol She did this makeover of this great piece for her friend. Now that I have sanded and refinished a couple of pieces I have a greater understanding of the time and effort they take. Mine were just basic pieces, nothing like this!

Then check out the finished product! Doesn’t it look awesome!!

Be sure to visit Lindy’s Home decor blog, The Happy Healthy Home; to see the rest of the process she went through. She gives great instructions.

Beth had been looking for mailboxes like what I have above too! She also found and loved the same ones I had at Pottery Barn and Ballards. She found this alternative at TJ Maxx.

But she decided to spuce it up a bit.She decided to give it a little pizazz! She turned it into this: Didn’t it turn out darling?

Be sure to visit her blog Hanging with the Hubers and see the rest of her post, File organizer revamp!

Sandy Jensen
Sandy Jensen, a celebrated writer in the home and garden niche, boasts over 12 years of hands-on experience. Her educational background includes a Bachelor’s in Landscape Architecture from Cornell University. Before joining our team in 2016, she worked as a landscape designer, combining her love for nature and design. Sandy's expertise shines through her articles, offering readers practical and aesthetically pleasing gardening tips. Off the clock, she enjoys hiking and nature photography, further nurturing her connection with the outdoors.

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