Organizing Your Morning Kid Routine


My mornings with the kids is not like bouncing on pogo stick rather are normally very calm and relaxed. They know their routine and I don’t have to yell and drag kids out of bed, force them to get their things done….stressing out myself and everyone else in the house. Why? Because we teach them to do things on their own. We don’t have to bribe them or pay them all kinds of money (they get $1.00 a month allowance, just to start teaching them about saving money – and guess what they are thrilled with that. They love take a few dollars and putting it in the bank so that they can buy their own ultimate frisbee discs with their own savings).

The older 2 (16 & 17 years) get themselves up, get all their things done and are out the door usually before the 9 year old triplets are up. The older 2 have to be at school by 7:30 and usually walk the one mile to school. Sometimes my older one drives them. The triplets have to be at school by 8:45am.

They wake up (usually on their own). Before they come downstairs they have already made their beds, done their 20 minutes of reading, brushed their teeth and gotten dressed for school. They come down and now are able to get their own breakfast, pack their lunches (usually they do it the night before), get all their things together and put in their backpacks and are ready for school. Then they have free time if there is still time before we leave for school. No yelling, no running around like chickens with our heads cut off. I’m very proud of them.

They have been having fun playing Build-a-Bearville online and want to get all their things done so they can get on the computer.

I love independence in kids and I work on teaching it young. I think it is only going to help them in life. I have 3 grown sons and I know it has helped them that they are able to do things on their own.

I hear woman (and men) say all the time that they love their children so much they want to do everything for them. But in my opinion that isn’t a love that is beneficial to them, I see it as only stunting them in the future. I have seen many a teenager, young adult and grown adult that had everything done for them…and guess what? They continue to expect that in other areas of their life. Their wives for instance or co-workers.

So how do you do it? Start young! When they want to try something on their own, let them.

*Teach them to pick up their toys and make their beds. They don’t have to be perfect, but they will learn that they need to do it each morning.

*Have the cereal, bowls and cups at a level they can reach. Teach them to use the toaster safely so they can make their own toast.

*Have them lay out their clothes the night before so there are no “clothes meltdowns” and no big decisions when they might be groggy.

*Let them start helping with making their lunches when they are young and work them up to making it on their own.

*Make sure they either have an alarm set or you wake them up so they have plenty of time to get it all accomplished with some free time put in there for when they accomplish all their goals.

If you sleep until the last minute and everyone is racing around in the morning then everyone is stressed and it isn’t a good way to start the day.


Sandy Jensen
Sandy Jensen, a celebrated writer in the home and garden niche, boasts over 12 years of hands-on experience. Her educational background includes a Bachelor’s in Landscape Architecture from Cornell University. Before joining our team in 2016, she worked as a landscape designer, combining her love for nature and design. Sandy's expertise shines through her articles, offering readers practical and aesthetically pleasing gardening tips. Off the clock, she enjoys hiking and nature photography, further nurturing her connection with the outdoors.

Organizing Mission Monday Link Party – Week 42

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