Pogo Stick

Pogo Stick Sizes: How Many Are There

Pogo Stick Sizes How Many Are There

In today’s world, kids like to spend time with their mobile phones, computers, and many other gadgets, so do adults, i.e., we are letting outward fun go away. As we all know, spending time outside and playing games, etc., is healthy for us and even fun. There are so many things that bring you and your kid joy, and one of them is pogo sticks.

If you are looking for an interesting way to keep your child interested in going out, then pogo sticks can be one of the easy and best ways to take them out. The pogo stick is a fun way that will help your child in doing outdoor stuff.

Pogo sticks will help the kids build muscles and maintain balance which will be good for their future. Using pogo sticks can be very useful in developing athletic ability; it can be an easy way for full-body exercise.

Pogo sticks are work on a spring-based mechanism that is used for jumping. Pogo sticks can be defined as a cylindrical pipe with a spring in it and a joined rod to it, and it has two handles on top to let you hold and two horizontal rods attachment some footrest to let you stand.

When it comes to the best pogo sticks, then Vurtego is one of the best manufacturers whom you can count on. It was founded in 2007, and since then, it is manufacturing pogo sticks, and they introduced many variations of pogo sticks. As we all know, Vurtego is a well-known pogo sticks manufacturing company, but do you know it is mostly known because of its unique air-powered pogo sticks.

Pogo sticks have many variations, and each one has different features; and pogo sticks come with a variation of sizes, and the most common sizes of a pogo stick are small, medium & large.

Here we will tell you about some different sizes of pogo sticks and for whom they are good.

Small Size

If you are or your kid between 4’8 or 5’5, which means between 142 to 166, then the smaller-sized pogo stick is best for you. The smaller-sized pogo stick has the smallest body than the others, and if you are between 4’8 or 5’5, you should go for the smaller one because it is straightforward to jump a smaller pogo stick the larger one.

If you lie between these height parameters, then we recommend the smaller one because the height of a pogo stick must be less than 51 inches, so it will let you jump easily and decreases the risk of falling because of wrongly matched height or higher height.

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Before buying a pogo stick, there are several things that you need to look at and measure, first of them is your height and your growth rate. If you’re 5’3 and are growing faster, we prefer you to look at medium-sized pogo sticks.

Medium Size

The second variation of a pogo stick is medium-sized, and if you are 5’6 and 5’11, then the medium-sized pogo stick is ideal for you. When it comes to a mostly selling size of a pogo stick, the medium is the only one that needs to enlist because the medium-sized pogo stick can be used by both smaller type people and larger type people.

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Medium-sized pogo sticks are mostly sold because lots of people want to have one pogo stick so that the whole family can use it, and in such a case, the medium-sized pogo stick is your best bet. Usually, people buy a pogo stick according to their height and based on the fact what suits them, but they also choose them according to their needs and what they want to do with it. The medium-sized is the most liked pogo stick because the risk of falling is lesser than the others.

Large Size

The larger-sized pogo sticks are specially designed for tall people so they can jump easily without causing any harm to their backs. The larger-sized pogo stick is for people with 6 ft height or an inseam of 33″ or longer.

If you are a 6 ft guy or taller than that, then you should not jump on a smaller or medium-sized pogo stick because it may cause huge trouble for you and damage to your back. If you are a tall guy and want to do some big air tricks, you have to go for a medium-sized instead of a larger pogo stick. The larger size pogo stick must be 56″ longer than it will allow you to jump easily and perfectly.

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Usually, the choice of a pogo stick must be made based on the user’s height, but people want to do different types of air tricks; you should be certain about what you are going to do, then choose what sized pogo stick you want.


In this pogo sticks review, we have mentioned different types of pogo sticks, which can be good for different individuals depending upon the age factor and others.

We completed this piece of information to the best of our knowledge. If you find it helpful in any way or want to suggest something, kindly comment on your opinion.

Liam Andreas
Liam Andreas is a dynamic figure in the world of kinetic sports. With a Bachelor's degree in Sports Science from the University of Florida, his journey began as a coach in extreme sports, where he developed innovative training methods. He has also earned a Master's degree in Kinesiology from the University of Texas and spent over a decade as a personal trainer specializing in high-impact sports. Apart from work, he is an enthusiastic mountain biker and a volunteer for youth sports programs. Sometimes, he enjoys rock climbing and participating in triathlons as well.

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