I am going to share the laundry process I use at my house. It is simple and straight forward, but it works.
I have to admit that I am surprised that I hear some people say they don’t use hampers or laundry baskets. I guess I wonder where they gather their dirty clothes. How do they transport them from the bedrooms to the laundry room? What do they do with the clean clothes when it is clean? Do they fold it right away? Fold it in the laundry room? Sort it? Who puts it away at your house?
This is the method I use and have used since I had a family.
Laundry Hampers
Each person has a laundry hamper in their bedroom. There is also one in the kids bathroom. Dirty clothes go in them. (or around them as kids will do…What? You can’t hit a basket with your dirty clothes? ….that usually works). Oh…and I discovered Sock Sacks which I love. I did a review on these last year and we still use them and I think they are great. Each child has their own sock sack. Their name is on it. All their dirty socks go into it. Then you zip them up and toss them in the washer/dryer. No more sorting. Each childs socks are already separated. I just put their sock sack into their cubbies and they put them away.
Laundry day (or multiple days at our house) each child brings down their laundry basket. Since the 2 boys share a room, one brings down their hamper and the other brings down the bathroom hamper.
I sort the clothes into the the laundry room hampers to be washed. You can see my video I did on my laundry room here
When they come out of the dryer, I hang up clothes right then and fold the other clothes and put them into laundry baskets.
Then we carry up the laundry baskets.
I then sort the clothes into the kids cubbies and they put them away in their drawers. I didn’t always use this cubby idea. I used to have smaller laundry baskets that each child had. But this house is smaller than my old one and we just don’t have the room. I had this small area at the top of my stairs and this worked great.