
Upgrade Your Bathroom with a Back-to-Wall Toilet: A Comprehensive Buying Guide

Upgrade Your Bathroom with a Back-to-Wall Toilet: A Comprehensive Buying Guide

Toilets are an essential component of any bathroom and are frequently used, which is why it’s important to choose the perfect one for your needs. The back-to-wall toilet is a modern alternative to standard close-coupled toilets that provides both practicality and aesthetics. If you’re considering a back-to-wall toilet in the UK, it’s crucial to understand its features and benefits. In this buying guide, we’ve compiled all the essential information you’ll need to make an informed decision about this wonderful toilet.

What are Back to Wall Toilets?

Before we move any further, let’s first explore why btw toilets have such a name. A close-coupled toilet that is very common has the closely joined toilet bowl and cistern forming one singular unit, and that’s what gives it its name. And another type of wall-hung toilet that fits on the wall instead of the floor has its name from such fitting.

Things are the same for the back-to-wall toilet, as its name comes from the user who will have his back towards a wall rather than a cistern (that was the case in close couple of toilets). So, these were given such names as having no visible cistern at the back, and usually, a wall is a distinct point or difference between both of them. So, that is why BTW, toilets are named as such.

How Back-to-Wall Toilets Work?

A back-to-wall toilet has two main components. Perhaps all other types also have a cistern and a toilet bowl. But there is a difference in the way they connect with each other. While the standard close-coupled toilets usually have very closely fitted toilet bowls and cisterns, sometimes as a single unit. While a wall hung toilets have separate parts that, with the help of a frame, fit on the wall with a cistern inside the wall (completely concealed).

-So, the close-coupled toilet does not have a concealed cistern and fits on the floor

– Wall hung toilet has a completely concealed cistern with a hanging or floating bowl. So, no connection to the floor.

– On the other hand, a back-to-wall toilet has features from both of them. It has concealed cistern like a wall-hung toilet but a floor-standing pan similar to close coupled toilets.

So, that’s what makes it a kind of toilet that falls between two other types having similarities and differences from them.

Another important thing to note here is that you have more than one option to conceal the cistern. That’s what makes a btw toilet a pretty flexible option when it comes to installation.

Back to Wall Toilets with Wall Concealed Cistern. The first is an obvious option you have a cistern that fits in the wall while a toilet bowl is only visible outside. You have a push button to activate the flushing making it a perfect option for a floating-style toilet.

Back To Wall Toilets with WC unit. Another option for the installation is a WC unit that completely conceals the cistern. A WC unit is a special furniture unit that conceals the cistern inside. So, you fit the bowl with it, making the installation complete. It can be a perfect fit with a 600mm vanity units.

How Back-to-Wall Toilets Work?

Advantages of Back-to-Wall Toilets.

BTW, toilets over several advantages over the standard close-coupled toilets. These include.

– You can save bathroom space due to concealed cistern.

– These can be suitable options for a small bathroom or a cloakroom.

– The back-to-wall toilets are modern and aesthetically pleasing that are great for modern bathroom looks.

– You have the flexibility to choose between the WC unit or wall-fitting cistern.

How Much Does Back to Wall Toilets Cost?

The back-to-wall toilets come in a range of prices depending on whether you choose to install it with a cistern or without it. In case you choose the one with WC unit, it will be a little higher cost. However, it will cost much more than the standard close coupled toilets.

One benefit that you get from WC units is that these are quicker to fit in. So, in comparison, inside-the-wall fitting, it helps to reduce the installation costs. You should estimate a budget of around £400 for the Toilet bowl, WC furniture Unit, and installation costs.

Is DIY Installation of Back-to-Wall Toilets Possible?

While the DIY installation of back-to-wall is possible, especially if you choose a WC unit, the work may require a lot of expertise if you need to fit the cistern inside the wall. Therefore, you should get help from a plumber. Whether you should go for it or not depends on your skill level and the type of work required for the fitting.

Should You Buy a Back-to-Wall Toilet?

Whether you should choose a back-to-wall toilet or any other type depends on many factors. Your bathroom size, design, layout, budget, and personal preference should all be in your mind while deciding. However, BTW is such a toilet that is flexible and may be a suitable choice for most bathrooms in the UK.

Sandy Jensen
Sandy Jensen, a celebrated writer in the home and garden niche, boasts over 12 years of hands-on experience. Her educational background includes a Bachelor’s in Landscape Architecture from Cornell University. Before joining our team in 2016, she worked as a landscape designer, combining her love for nature and design. Sandy's expertise shines through her articles, offering readers practical and aesthetically pleasing gardening tips. Off the clock, she enjoys hiking and nature photography, further nurturing her connection with the outdoors.

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