
What Are Three Plants that Are Not Recommended for Hydroponics?


Growing plants without soil in a special water mix is called hydroponics. It’s like giving plants a special drink filled with all the good stuff they need.

But did you know that not all plants like this way of growing? Some plants prefer the good old soil. We’ll talk about three plants that aren’t big fans of hydroponics. Plants also have their preferences to grow.

Understanding which plants are happier in the soil helps us be better gardeners. So, let’s find out which three plants we should leave in the soil where they feel most at home.

What is Hydroponic Farming

What is Hydroponic Farming

Hydroponic farming, particularly with systems like Aerogarden Bounty, revolutionizes plant growth. It’s different from the usual way because it doesn’t use soil. Instead, the plants get what they need from a mixture of water and nutrients. Think of it like a special drink made just for the plants, giving them exactly what they want.

This method has become really popular, especially in places where there isn’t a lot of space for a traditional garden. It is similar to having a mini garden in your own home. The plants get all the good stuff they need to grow, and they don’t have to search for it in the ground.

Types of Hydroponic Farming

Hydroponic farming has two main types:

1. Active System

The first is called an active system. In this type, the roots of the plants directly get the nutrients through a special water solution. It is the same as the plants having their special delivery service, bringing them all the food they need. In an active system, pumps play a crucial role. They circulate the nutrient solution from a reservoir to the roots of the plants.

It’s like a continuous flow of food and water delivered right to their doorstep. The excess solution that the roots can’t absorb goes back into the reservoir, so there’s no waste. It’s a bit more complicated, but it is the same as having a personalized meal plan for the plants.

2. Passive System

The second type is called a passive system. This one doesn’t need any special pumps. Instead, the plants sit in the water solution, reaching their roots in different ways, like using gravity. It’s a bit simpler because there are no pumps involved. But the farmer must change the water often to keep it fresh and clean.

So, with a passive system, there’s no need for high-tech pumps or machines. It’s like letting the plants take a sip whenever they’re thirsty. The farmer keeps the plants’ water fresh. It’s a simple way to grow plants without all the extra gadgets.

Advantages of Hydroponic Farming

Advantages of Hydroponic Farming

  1. One big advantage of hydroponic farming is that the plants grow really well. They don’t have to deal with pests or diseases like they might in soil. So, you get really healthy and good quality produce.
  2. Also, hydroponic farming doesn’t use a lot of water. It’s great for places where there isn’t much water to spare. The water is reused, so it is similar to being super efficient with it. In regular farming, a lot of water can be lost, but in hydroponics, it’s used wisely.
  3. Hydroponics is also good for the environment. It doesn’t use pesticides, which is good for the plants and for us. Plus, it can be done inside, so it doesn’t take up a lot of space. This means we can have more local food, even in the middle of a big city.

Disadvantages of Hydroponic Farming

  1. One challenge with hydroponics is the initial cost. Setting up a hydroponic system can be expensive, especially if it’s a big one. It is similar to buying all the special equipment for a new hobby.
  2. Hydroponic systems also need a constant supply of electricity. If there’s a power outage, it can be a problem. It is the same as an appliance that needs to be plugged in all the time.

Three Worst Plants for Hydroponics

1. Corn


Corn is unsuitable for hydroponic gardening due to its extensive root system and high sunlight requirements. The roots of a corn plant can grow as deep as 60 inches, which makes it impractical for most hydroponic setups, even those using deep water culture. This plant can occupy a significant amount of space inside the nutrient reservoir.

2. Squash and Melon

Squash and Melon

Squash and melon varieties from the Cucurbita family are generally not recommended for hydroponic growing. This is primarily due to their viny growth habit and the substantial size of their fruits. Most hydroponic systems are designed to save space, which makes accommodating the sprawling vines of squash and melon impractical.

3. Fruit Trees

Fruit Trees

Fruit trees are generally discouraged from hydroponic gardening due to their tall stature, complex root systems, and substantial nutrient requirements. These trees have extensive root structures that demand a considerable amount of space within the hydroponic system. Additionally, they require a substantial nutrient supply to support their growth.


So, those are the three plants that don’t usually like hydroponics. Remember, some plants are like picky eaters, and they prefer soil.

These plants, like carrots, potatoes, and peanuts, feel better in the soil. They don’t enjoy the special water mixture as much. There are so many other plants that love hydroponics. They grow in this special system.

It is similar to inviting the right guests to your party. Make sure they’re the ones who will have the best time in the special water world. That way, you’ll have a garden full of happy and healthy plants.

Michael Smith
With a background in Environmental Studies from Johns Hopkins University, Michael Smith has enriched various readers with his backyard improvement insights since 2020. His professional journey includes 10 years as a horticultural therapist, where he combined his love for gardening with mental well-being practices. Before his current role, Michael worked with several renowned landscaping firms and contributed to award-winning garden designs. Apart from his professional pursuits, he is an enthusiastic cyclist and a volunteer in local environmental conservation initiatives. He’s also a passionate rock climber and a homemade beer enthusiast.

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